Can your TX-based business benefit from umbrella insurance?

Hermes Insurance Solutions is here to help business owners in the greater Sanger, TX area. Our team can assist with all insurance matters, including commercial umbrella policies. We are proud to serve the insurance needs of our community!

Benefits of umbrella insurance for TX companies

Owning a business in today’s world is more than a full-time job. If you are wondering if your firm has the insurance protection it needs, it may be time to consider a commercial umbrella insurance policy.

With an umbrella policy, you can provide even more protection for your company. Primary commercial policies typically have maximum payout limits that are in force throughout the policy’s life. This means that if you exhaust your primary policy, your firm may be financially liable for any damages that exceed the policy payout amount.

Don’t let this happen to your company! With a commercial umbrella policy, you are able to protect your assets, inventory, and other investments above the policy limit amount of your primary commercial policy.

We are here to walk you through your options and help you to determine if an umbrella policy makes sense for your company. We are a full-service insurance provider and want to work with the business owners in our community. If you have any questions about umbrella insurance or any type of insurance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you protect your dedication and hard work. Call us today.

Give us a call and find out more!

If you are a business owner in the Sanger, TX area, you can rely on Hermes Insurance Solutions for all of your commercial insurance needs. Call today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to working with you!